Week 4 – Winter Doldrums

This week’s images feature a wide angle panorama, some painting with light on a still life, which was super fun to do with Lauren, several portraits of my lovely wife, a blended exposure sunset, and the ever present dog photo.The reflection photo with Lauren stands out to me as a fun photo, because of how miserable it was to take.  It was late at night on the 24th, and I’d not been able to find anything interesting to shoot all day. We finished up whatever  we were doing, and Lauren was ready for bed.  I’d asked her to help me out, and she grudgingly climbed out of bed, half asleep, to help me figure something out.  I had the platter portion of an old hard drive, and was trying to figure out how to do something fun with it. Eventually I decided on stacking two separately focused photos.  Lauren was very happy to be done, and I was very happy to not skip a day so early in the project.

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